Now the only 'bags' you need to worry about are designer ones

    As we get older our eyes start looking a little well, tired. It turns out the 'bags' under our eyes are not from Chanel sadly. The skin around the eye is 40% thinner than the rest of the face and around the eye is the area that often sees the effects of ageing first.

    This can manifest in dark circles, puffiness, fine lines & wrinkles and drooping of the lids. Treating dark circles and lines is possible with good injectables and skincare, however treating hooded eyes and skin laxity is often difficult without surgery… but did you know there are procedures you can have that don’t involve going under the knife?

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    The skin around the eye is 40% thinner

    What is Softwave?

    Sofwave is a new ultrasound method of tightening skin around the eye, with Parallel Beam Technology that is FDA approved for lifting the eyebrow, lifting lax tissue in the face and neck and reducing fine lines and wrinkles. This means an eye lift is now possible without surgery. We spoke to Dr. Sophie Shotter, one of the UK’s most renowned aesthetic practitioners. She is a multi award-winning aesthetic doctor, with over a decade of medical experience and is regularly featured in the media as an expert voice in all things health and aesthetics. "My motto is that every face is a unique piece of artwork. My aim is to bring out the best in each individual patient, not to change them." explains Dr. Sophie.

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    Injectibles can be a safe alternative to surgery

    How can you get a non-surgical eyelift? 

    Dr Sophie has introduced the '360 Eye' treatment, which combines the new Sofwave technology with other eye rejuvenation techniques in order to ensure clients can have the effects of an eye lift without even going near a scalpel. Sofwave teamed with Light Eyes Ultra, a mesotherapy cocktail for under the eyes that targets sagging, superficial lines and dark circles. It contains a unique blend of hyaluronic acid, ruscosides and antioxidants including vitamin C and is superficially injected into the area using a fine needle. Then the process is finished with Botox and Filler for an added tear trough boost.

    We found out more about the non-surgical procedure from Dr Sophie, who answered all our questions...

    Who/what kind of patients do you recommend '360 Eye' for?

    "The 360 Eye is excellent for any patients with tired looking eyes. It provides an all-around approach to the different components of eye ageing - heavy eyelids, dark circles, hollowness and fine lines and wrinkles. We can combine all of the steps as needed for an individual patient to brighten the eye area and give the face a more rested and rejuvenated look."

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    What happens during each treatment?

    "1) Sofwave - a powerful numbing cream is applied to the eye and brow area. When ready for treatment we apply a jelly to the skin to help the ultrasound waves to transmit into the skin. We position the applicator as needed around the eye area, and deliver a burst of ultrasound energy. You may feel some mild heat in some of the areas around the eye. You’re a little red afterwards but this resolves quickly.

    2) Light Eyes - we apply numbing cream to the eye area, and once removed use a very fine needle to inject this mesotherapy solution into the skin around the eye. The treatment is repeated at fortnightly intervals, and leaves the undereye skin looking brighter, less puffy and with less visible dark circles.

    3) Fillers - we use fillers in the cheeks and temples as needed first, to provide a structural framework for the eye area. We then inject the tear trough itself if appropriate. This is done with very small needles or cannula to position the filler precisely.

    4) Wrinkle relaxing injections - we focus on lifting the eye area by treating around the eye area and the frown with very fine needles. Fine lines and wrinkles will also be softened. The results are different from a surgical eyelift. But many patients are reluctant to undergo surgery - they are either afraid or don’t have the ability to tolerate downtime. These procedures have minimal to no downtime and address the global signs of eye ageing. If someone has very heavy upper eyelids or severe undereye bags, then no treatment is as effective as blepharoplasty. However most patients are along a spectrum and can have great results from  360 Eye."

    What have your clients said about the procedure?

    "Our patients have been delighted. When we read a face, we look at someone’s eyes and then their mouth - they’re the first thing we focus on. As such we want them to look bright and reflect how we are feeling. Patients have been over the moon and feel that an area that’s been their biggest problem has once again become the highlight of their face."
